Quality Vista Team has helped various Testing as well as Calibration Lab in achieving NABL accreditation. The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation is the most important standard for testing and/or calibration laboratories. This confirms that a particular laboratory is able to produce precise and accurate test results and calibration data, including: Traceability of measurements and calibrations to national standards. In addition to that it also helps to reduce costs for manufacturers and exporters who have their products or materials tested in accredited laboratories, by reducing or eliminating the need for retesting in another country. NABL accreditation is very easy by handholding of Quality Vista Team. We have a team of well qualified trained technical experts, who prepares the lab for this accreditation. We provide our service in such way that within the specified time, this is possible. This standard is an acceptable quality management system in place. It is evidence that lab has acquired the ability and competence for the testing and calibration results.
Like that similar Quality Standards, this standards has also some common steps like, that 1. GAP ANALYSIS 2. AWARENESS TRAINING 3. INTERNAL AUDITOR’STRAINING 4. DOCUMENTATION OF MANUAL, PROCEDURE, SOP, WORK INSTRUCTION 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF SYSTEM 6. INTERNAL AUDIT 7. ASSISTANCE IN CERTIFICATION AUDIT However, documentation may be specific as per requirements of the standards, which is also undertaken by our team. Please feel free for any clarification and further information.